not quite a mayhem

Friends of Freycinet Working Bee 1-5 May 2017 Last year we had a Monster May-hem event. This year there was no hem in our May, and it was a little less monstrous with only 10 participants for varying lengths of time during the week. We had a comprehensive list of 20 jobs compiled by our […]

Improving the Walking Experience

Devils Throne Reroute There had been enough days of milder weather to melt the snow from earlier in the week and it was decent enough day, with some sun. This was the fourth day at creating a new track to avoid the wet plain on the way to Devils Throne in Wellington Park. All the final 210 metres, […]

Lost emails – Update


It has come to our attention that some members are not receiving emails. This has been investigated and for several domains we seem to be listed as a ‘spamming organisation’. We are seeking to find out when this started occurring and to get it rectified ASAP. It seems to have commenced from September 2016. If you […]

Wildcare Grant Highlighting The Flora

Friends of Mt Field

Boronia Citriodora

Wombat Moor flora signs installed. What a delightful day to be on Wombat Moor.  The task was to install signs describing the various plants growing there and we worked in two teams of two, one putting in the poles and the other placing the sign on.   This worked a treat and we got reasonably quick at it […]

A Coat of many Colours

Friends of Freycinet

(In Colourful Freycinet)  It was no ordinary PWS structure.  A team of architectural students designed it. We think the brief was to put as many fiddly bits on it as possible, and then paint it in 3 colours, green, blue and purple.  It is the cutest outdoor theatre projection box around.  It took 4 of […]

Thank you to “Vollies”

Friends of Freycinet

We have received this lovely thank you. From: Alison Lai <> Subject: Congratulations to your volunteers Date: 19 May 2017 at 9:48:15 PM AEST To: “” <> Dear Sally My name is Alison Lai and I am the CEO of Volunteering Tasmania. Sally, I was reaching out to say congratulations on the work that you […]

Get Outside – Nepali Elders trip

The newly graduated Get Outside Leaders organised and ran a trip for their elders to Mount Field National Park recently. It was a brilliant trip with 42 people including elders and children, strolling to Russell Falls and picnicking followed by dancing by the river. The oldest person was 82 and said through an interpreter “this […]

Almost Half Way

Devils Throne Reroute On the day prior to the scheduled work we learnt that Pinnacle Road may be closed until 10 AM, because of helicopter shuttling track materials.  By late afternoon notice was received that the road would in fact be open, so the work was able to go ahead. Peter clearing vegetation The previous […]

Finding the Farm at Farm Cove

the farm at Farm Cove

In January 2016, Macquarie Harbour was simultaneously attacked by several small fires. The one at Goulds Point at the tip of Farm Cove exposed the farm used by Sarah Island Convicts circa 1825. After those fires were extinguished, each time we’d sail past those burnt hills we wondered what historical treasures might be revealed. A […]

Friends of Melaleuca working bee 8-15 March 2017

  Sun shines on Melaleuca ‘Huey’ was very kind to Friends of Melaleuca during the March working bee this year. It was exceptionally fine during the week until weather delayed some flights on the last day. The working bee was enabled by funding from an internal grant from Wildcare. An enthusiastic and competent team of […]

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