Cutting, Counting & Cleaning at Cradle

Jenny, Maryland Track

At last, on the third attempt, the Hounslow Heath Circuit track has been pruned back. We started this in October last year, got snowed under, literally and had to leave it unfinished. The second attempt got a lot further but there was so much to do it needed another supreme effort on the 6th May. […]

Keep Macquarie Harbour Beautiful

While on a kayaking expedition on Macquarie harbour in March, SPRATS volunteer and WILDCARE Board member Sally Simco tied a foam buoy in a tree as a marker of a stash of marine debris gathered at Asbestos Point Beach, not far from Sarah Island.  It was decided that a reward would be offered to whoever collected the buoy and returned it to […]

Macquarie Harbour Clean-Up

Saturday 1 April – Wednesday 5 April, 2017 Marine debris collected from 80 km of shoreline Over five days, volunteers, industry, and stakeholders joined together to collect marine debris from beaches and coves to prevent harm to wildlife and environment. Clean-up teams collected marine debris from remote beaches that can only be accessed by boat, […]

OBP Executive Meeting

The Friends of Orange-bellied Parrot executive will be holding a meeting on 1st of May in Hobart at 6:15PM. This will be a catch-up with key people to briefly review the 2016/17 season and commence plans for the 2017/18 season. The date and venue for an AGM later in the year will also be discussed. For […]

Some Extra Help

For this working bee we had staff from a section of UTAS as part of a Health & Wellbeing program and they were an enthusiastic, hard working group and their efforts most appreciated. UTAS staff ona volunteer a day program with WPBG members A large patch of Erica just below the Main Fire trail not […]

2016 Annual Report

Wildcare’s Annual Report is now available online. Get news of the activities of the Gift Fund Committee and be inspired by the projects of 15 featured Branches around Tasmania. And don’t miss the special feature on the 4th Island Arks Symposium. Click here to access the Annual Report.

A weed camp – 5 core people, 22 visitors and 3,965,000 plants removed.

The beginnings A partnership between Wildcare Tasmania, Sea Spurge Remote Areas Teams(SPRATS) and the Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) was set up by me, Helen Plaister, in November 2015 at Narawntapu NP. It was to be known as Wildcare: Friends of Narawntapu. As I had been involved in the have remote weed management (mainly sea […]

Penguin Cradle Trail Goes On

Events for 2016 This last year was very busy with many short notice meetings of the exec and brochure / map committee (every couple of weeks for several months in a row) so it wasn’t feasible to notify all members. Hopefully when the brochure is complete we can get back to some form of normality. […]

Friends of the Steppes – annual goings on

Friends of The Steppes Annual Report for 2016-17 The Mountain Hut Preservation Society volunteer group restoration of the outbuildings between 2010–14, gave a great boost of enthusiasm to friends of The Steppes Reserve. It became a pleasant site to work, and increased the visitor numbers. 33 working bees have been held since March 2016,, when […]

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