A well-earned break

Tuesday 7 March 2017 In what was ideal; weather a large patch of tall Gorse was tackled at the edge of Inglewood Fire Trail and the result was a very pleasing area cleared of the menace. Some seedlings were noticed from our last venture to this location in 2015. Morning break was  cool enough to be pleasant in […]

Well done Chloe !

Friends of Freycinet

At the Freycinet National Park centenary festival, Miss Chloe Grace-Baker from the Swansea Primary School presented Wildcare Inc with a large tin of coins to the value of $202.00 for the Wildcare Save the Whale fund. This donation was collected from students and parent from the school.  Chloe was very clear that this donation was […]


Friends of Freycinet

A TRIUMVIRATE OF TASKS Schouten Island 3-17 January 2017 Campground Caring Periwinkle Poisoning Gorse Gnashing A Friends of Freycinet team were all packed and ready to go to Schouten in December for our usual working bee but strong winds and lumpy seas put paid to that. Luckily a vacancy in the Campground host program came […]

A Generous Donation to support walking tracks !


Some days are just a bit more special than most. Recently I met two people who have a passion for natural areas, National Parks and bushwalking in Tasmania. And although their adventure horizons may be shorter these days, the memories of the time spent walking the wilds of Tasmania continue to fuel their imagination. As […]

Friends of Freycinet – a year in review.

Friends of Freycinet

Annual report 2016 This report covers the calendar year 2016 Events The Branch continued to be very active in assisting the PWS with a wide range of Parks management tasks. Our Partnership Agreement with PWS stipulates that we have at least 5 working bees each year and whilst we have not achieved that this year […]


Friends of Melaleuca WILDCARE

Images and stories are on the walls at last! In January 2017 members of the Wildcare volunteer group Friends of Melaleuca screwed 16 display panels on the walls of the Deny King Heritage Museum at Melaleuca. The result looks stunning. This project was achieved with assistance from the Tasmanian government under Arts Tasmania’s Small Museums […]

Wildcare AGM


Annual General Meeting of Wildcare Incorporated March 25th, 2017 11:00 AM   through   3:00 PM Location 816 Kilora Road Quarantine Station North Bruny Island, TAS 7150 AUSTRALIA Election of Board members. Report on activities for 2016. Presentation of financial reports. Tour of the Station, followed by barbecue lunch. RSVP required to ceo@wildcaretas.org.au on or […]

Cricket cuts across cultures at Mount Field

A good-quality turning pitch, lovingly prepared by the Mount Field staff, and a vocal crowd of nearly 200 contributed to making an inaugural T20 cricket match at Mount Field National Park, an overwhelming success. Parks and Wildlife Service community engagement officer and admitted cricket tragic Sam Cuff, said the event on Saturday, organised by the […]

Bruny Island Holiday??

Would you like the opportunity to care take on this wonderful island? We offer a Volunteer Caretakers program during the winter season. Volunteer Caretakers  provide a physical presence at the Quarantine Station, open the Station to visitors on the weekends, provide visitor information about the heritage self- guided walk, provide other information about the natural history […]

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