Friends of Three Hummock Island

Wildcare Friends of Three Hummock Island have sent in some gorgeous photos from their working bee held late last year.  This is their story….. Farewell We undertook all work with their consent of course and under the watchful eye of Bev and John O’Brien, the resident mangers. Sadly Bev and John are leaving the island, to […]

Day trip to Maatsuyker Island

Fancy a day trip to this remote but beautiful island? Its on again in February with a back up date in March. To find out how it all work please read the attached information sheet and payment form. Spaces are very limited so be quick! Information Sheet Payment form

Fee’s March Muster

Our favourite Freycinet Park Ranger, Fiona Everts, has written a lovely report for the recent March Muster

Getting ready for the new season

Friends of Lillico Penguins held one of the several Working Bees they have during the winter period, on Saturday July 21st. This is to ensure that everything is ready for their upcoming guiding season.             Fortunately, it was a lovely sunny winters day with weeding and burrows being the main […]

Maria Island Upcoming Lime Washing Working Bee

Friends of Maria Island

Register here for the working bee that brings ongoing praise from thousands of visitors to Maria Island. Many visitors comment on the well kept and painted convict buildings throughout Darlington. Join the Friends of Maria Island and the PWS on this satisfying, annual repaint of the convict buildings using the traditional lime-washing techniques that the convicts would […]

Chauncy Vale Wildlife Sanctuary Caretaker Program for 2019

The 400 hectare Chauncy Vale Wildlife Sanctuary features grassy woodlands, sandstone escarpments, caves, rich native bird diversity, and unique cultural heritage. At just 40 km from Hobart the reserve is accessible and frequented by bushwalkers, field naturalists, bird watchers, historians and family groups. This program is about establishing a roster of volunteers for periods of […]

Island Arks Symposium VI – Rottnest Island, Western Australia – 11-15th February 2019

The Organising Committee extends a warm invitation to Wildcare branches to attend Island Arks VI, the sixth symposium on island conservation, tourism and management. The Island Arks Symposium is a long standing, high level meeting for islanders, island managers, conservation ecologists and island eco-tourism operators. Since the first meeting in 2009 held on the Great Barrier […]

All Done

Inglewood The last section of gorse was removed from the site along the southern side of the Inglewood Fire Trail. Over a 6 year period the 500 metre length on the south side of Inglewood Fire Trail has been cleared of Gorse. It has taken 16 sessions. Site before gorse removed photo Chris Woods Site […]

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