Tasman Island’s 1st time Volunteer & Poet

Friends of Tasman Island

Article by Erika Shankley, Poetry by Mike Manning, Photography by Amanda Thomson and Brett Hall Brick Layer and Poet, Mike Manning  I’m on the way to Tasman I get picked up on the way I would have taken my own car But they have no parking bay. Up in this chopper An exciting time to […]

Last Stop Before Home…Upcoming Event….All Welcome

All are welcome to come along and join us in the fun and learning. We are  commemorating the return of 9000 Tasmanian soldiers from World War 1 to Bruny Island to be QUARANTINED! Information on the soldiers, games of the era, light refreshments of the era, unveiling of reproduction tent city features and enjoying the […]

Visit the Valley this Year

Cradle Mt Silhouette

We’ve been repainting the place: ​     Pruning the tracks: ​     Repairing the boardwalk wire:   ​     Rebuilding the fence (at the Mt Kate Hut): ​   ​       Revegetating some degraded areas (near Lake Lea and the helipad): ​       Taking the boat for a […]

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