Weeding on Tamar Island

Our glorious kanamaluka/Tamar 1st of November morning started with Robyn, Grey and Jing spotting a wedge-tailed eagle soaring high over the wetlands, and ended with a farewell from a white-bellied sea eagle who did a low pass over the Wetlands Centre. Our trek to and from the island at low tide led us past dozens […]

Protecting biodiversity one island at a time

Tasmania has around 600 offshore islands and rocks, many of which are critical to seabirds for breeding and roosting. Being surrounded by the sea, offshore islands have a natural protective barrier. Even so, our islands are not immune to the impacts of pests, diseases, degradation and climate change. Twelve (20%) Wildcare groups are dedicated to […]

Friends of Freycinet October Working Bee

Friends of Freycinet

Friends of Freycinet have held another productive and enjoyable October working bee with volunteers and Freycinet National Park staff. Here’s what they got up to: DAY 1 Volunteers (Ian, Joan, Mal, Catherine, Chris Peter, John, Ros) met at the Parks workshop at 10:30am where we were greeted by Ranger in Charge Alena and briefed on […]

Consistent effort pays off at Maria Island

Friends of Maria Island

Wildcare’s Friends of Maria Island demonstrated how long term commitment (of nearly 20 years) and consistent effort have paid off during the 2023 Community Landcare Conference Field Trip to Maria Island on October 15th – hardly a broom plant to be found! The history and conservation values of Maria Island are special and volunteers play […]


Through the generous support of WIRES, Saffire Freycinet and regular donors, the Wildlife Rehab and Release cause of Wildcare’s Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund supports projects that rehabilitate wildlife for return to the wild. In this story, Wildlife Rehabilitator, Natalie, outlines how she completed such a project. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ With funding from a Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund […]

660 Trees Planted at BGCG Field Day

Black Gum Conservation Group

On Sunday 24th September, 18 volunteers from as far south as Launceston and as far north as Devonport, gathered under perfect skies for the Black Gum Conservation Group‘s first revegetation project. In all, 660 trees were planted. 500 of these trees were generously provided by ‘Keep Tassie Wild’ (plus another 500 for our follow up tree […]


Friends of Maria Island

This year’s Landcare conference is being held over the weekend on 13 -15 October at the Spring Bay Mill Triabunna (a venue well worth visiting) and the Friends of Maria Island are joining Wildcare Tasmania and Tas. Parks & Wildlife Service in hosting a field trip to the island! There is a fabulous line-up of […]

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