Desperate Plight of the OBP Film

Snowgum Press Films & The Bob Brown Foundation present the première screening of The Desperate Plight of the Orange-bellied Parrot a film by David Neilson, renowned wildlife photographer and OBP volunteer. STARRING  Matilda – World’s  first cross-fostered OBP.  (After commendable accolades in her debut season we hope she makes a return to the screen in  2017/18!) To […]

Rare as an OBP – monitoring volunteers wanted

Friends of the Orange-bellied Parrot (Wildcare Inc.) is calling for expressions of interest from pairs of volunteers to monitor the wild population of this critically endangered parrot over the coming breeding season. Each pair of volunteers will be transported to and from Melaleuca and provided with field accommodation to observe Orange-bellied Parrots between September 26, […]

OBP Executive Meeting

The Friends of Orange-bellied Parrot executive will be holding a meeting on 1st of May in Hobart at 6:15PM. This will be a catch-up with key people to briefly review the 2016/17 season and commence plans for the 2017/18 season. The date and venue for an AGM later in the year will also be discussed. For […]

This oportunity is amazing ! – OBP’s and Melaleuca

Friends of the Orange-bellied Parrot are calling for expressions of interest from volunteers to monitor the wild population of this critically endangered parrot over the coming breeding season. Wildcare members are invited to apply, as pairs of volunteers, to spend two weeks at Melaleuca during the season from the 29th of September 2016 to the […]

OBP observation shifts at Melaleuca are now open!

Friends of the Orange-bellied Parrot are calling for committed and capable volunteers to monitor the wild population of this beautiful parrot over the coming breeding season. Wildcare members are invited to apply, as couples, to spend two weeks at Melaleuca during the season between the 10th of October and the end of April. Couples do […]

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