UPDATED ‘Guidelines for works in, and management of, Little Penguin habitat’

The coastal habitats on which Little Penguins are dependent year-round are under increasing pressure from a broad spectrum of threats. Councils, developers and community care groups may inadvertently impact these areas at times. The updated ‘Guidelines for working in, and management of Little Penguin habitat’ provide advice for minimising or mitigating these threats. The new […]

Wildcare Deslacs have had a great year!


Wildcare Deslacs are looking forward to another year of activity in their local patch and welcome new and existing volunteers to every working bee. Planning for 2024 will commence over afternoon tea at their AGM this Sunday – contact info@wildcaredeslacs.org for details. This is what they got up to in 2023: SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES ON […]

A year in the life of Wildcare Deslacs


Wildcare Deslacs members are dedicated to the area around Clifton Beach and the Cape Deslacs Nature Reserve. They work with the Parks and Wildlife Service plus Clarence City Council to undertake a variety of work including beach litter cleanups, feral cat trapping, revegetation as well as weed control. All this, to make the area a […]

Winner Announcement

CRAIG SAUNDER’S PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION WINNERS ANNOUNCED! This year’s Craig Saunders Photographic Competition attracted a range of wonderful entries from across the state highlighting what people consider to be at the heart of Wildcare.  A big thank you to all who entered.  All your photos are valuable to us and as hard as it was to […]

Sign of the Times

  Visitors to Clifton Beach can now learn more about the natural values of the locale, thanks to stylish new signage in the adjoining picnic area. The sign gives information about the three adjoining reserves that make up this conservation area. Clarence City Council Mayor Doug Chipman and Councillor Sharyn Von Bertouch were on hand […]

Free Community Event


A free presentation on Short-tailed Shearwaters – their migration, life histories and threats – will be held at the Clifton Beach Surf Lifesaving Club on Wednesday 25 February 2015. Dr. Eric Woehler is on the Executive of the Australian Coastal Society and Convenor of BirdLife Tasmania. He is also an Honorary Research Associate at the […]

Funding for rookery protection


Wildcare Deslacs has been successful in gaining funding from the Australian Government’s Naturally Inspired Grant program to control Spanish heath at the short-tailed shearwater rookery at Cape Deslacs. Funding has also been received from our whole-of-state Wildcare Incorporated group. Thank you also to Dick and Marian Jex for your donation to Wildcare Deslacs!

Recognition for Wildcare Group


We all know that groups work really hard on their projects and its gratifying to see that they are recognised for their efforts. Check out this list of awards for the Wildcare Deslacs group: A national finalist at the 2014 Australian Landcare Coastcare awards. Awarded the 2013 Tasmanian Landcare Coastcare award. Received a High Commendation […]