Removing a Dominator

From Wellington Bushcare We have been removing Gorse beside the Inglewood fire break easements for 8  years.  Gorse is a dreadful prickly weed that completely dominates the ground once it gets established and we hate it.  In the areas where it has been removed the native vegetation has staged a comeback. A thick patch was […]

Protecting the Bush

Tuesday 3 February 2015 It had been over 10 years since the group first cleared Erica from this 4.6 hectares of bushland in Goat Hills. Greg, one of our members, arranged for transport to the work site and that made the effort of getting there a lot easier as it usually takes 45 minutes to […]

Thark Ridge

Some of the workers at Thark Ridge

 Tuesday 6 January 2015 A Wellington Park Bushcare event Although we have done quite a number of track work sessions with PWS this is probably the first time that our normal working bee has been used for that purpose. One of our biggest turnouts resulted, so track work was not an unpopular change. Three PWS […]

Northwest Bay River Working Bee

A great working bee where we worked with three PWS staff to create a short section of track so that walkers didn’t have to use the river for access, which can be somewhat dangerous when there is a lot of water in the river or when the rocks are wet and slippery such as from […]

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