Friends of Melaleuca need track workers!
- Coxwain Andrew with crew bound for Claytons
Friends of Melaleuca is seeking EOI for 3 track-workers for Mt Beattie, S.W. Tasmania.
March 14th to 21st
The Role:
Working in a small team of three or four people (led by an experienced Parks Tas. supervisor), rebuilding sections of walking track over heavily eroded sections of old track. The work will be physically demanding at times and will utilise hand and battery power tools. Experience with timber fabrication and safe use of tools preferred. Heavy construction materials will be on site, however tools etc are carried to the site. Access to the track is by walking uphill for about 45 minutes. There will be a possible daily commute by open boat between Melaleuca and Claytons Corner.
The weather in SW Tasmania can be changeable and working in hot sun and cool rain is not unusual. Wet weather and protective PPE gear is provided. Volunteers must be a registered Tasmanian NRE volunteer and preferably a Wildcare member.
One Par Avion flight into Melaleuca per volunteer is paid for by the project (20 kg of luggage is included). Volunteers provide their own breakfast and lunch and bring their own gear to overnight in bushwalkers huts or tents. Shared evening meals are sometimes organised (using a roster of volunteer chefs!) if you wish to be involved. (More details provided on application.)
You will work with great team in an amazing location. You will be helping conserve the delicate environment around one of the most heavily used remote walking tracks in Tasmania. You will learn some new skills and see some wonderful panoramas. You should sleep well after some days of hard work and meet some wonderful volunteers associated with the larger annual Melaleuca working bee. For further information please contact Rob on 0458061003
How to apply:
Send a short written application by February 10th to rob_
1. Your experience and suitability for this role
2. A short C.V.
3. Personal contact details and
4. And details of two referees