Inaugural FROTHI Working Bee – Calling for Expressions of Interest
- West Telegraph Beach THI
- The jetty
Inaugural Friends of Three Hummock Island (FROTHI) Working Bee!
Do you enjoy long walks on the beach? How about in head-to-toe wet weather gear, fighting gale-force winds and rain? If this kind of adventure sounds like your cup of tea, please express your interest in our first FROTHI Working Bee at the end of July!
The first working bee mission will be to collect as much Sea Spurge (Euphorbia paralias) as possible by hand from our many spectacular beaches in order to give Hooded Plovers the best chance of breeding success in the coming year! While combing the beaches, we’ll also be collecting all the marine rubbish we can.
The working bee objectives are part of a larger Hooded Plover protection project currently happening on Three Hummock Island with Cradle Coast Authority, Biosecurity
Tasmania and Tasmania Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS).
Transport to and from Three Hummock Island will be via boat or small aircraft from Smithton or Wynyard. The working bee will be 4 days of hand weeding (in all weather)
through sand over exposed beaches as long as 5 kilometres! There will be plenty of breaks and time to explore the incredible sights, sounds and smells of Three Hummock
Accommodation, transport and Personal Protective Equipment (gloves and eye protection) costs to the island are funded by Cradle Coast Authority. Accommodation is
in shared rooms (single beds and bunk beds), in a very comfortable guest-house with cooking facilities. There are no shops or services on the island so we will bring our own food and take our rubbish with us. Breakfasts and lunches will be supplied by Cradle Coast Authority, however, everyone will be asked to bring enough food to prepare one dinner for the group.
All volunteers will need to register as a volunteer with DPIPWE and participate in a COVID Safety Induction through PWS prior to departure.
If you’re as keen as we are and this sounds like fun to you, please email us short responses (100 word max) to each question below, and let us know if you’d like to
participate in the working bee from Thursday July 29 2021 – Sunday August 1 2021.
We will ask that all volunteers be up in the NW of Tasmania by the Wednesday night before departure. Volunteer spots are extremely limited due to transport and
accommodation capacity so please only express your interest if you have no other obligations at that time. We also recommend having flexibility as travel to and from the
island can often be delayed due to weather.
Please express your interest via email response by Sunday July 4 2021 midnight. If you are unable to make the dates this time, rest assured there will be more working bees to come. We aim to give everyone a chance to set eyes on these Three Hummocks!
We look forward to meeting you on this amazing island!
All the best,
Taylor & Jesse
To express your interest in the working bee, please email us your answers (100 words or less each) to by the deadline –
Sunday July 4 2021 midnight.
• Name, Phone number, Email, State
• Are you comfortable working outdoors in cold weather for most of the day?
• Tell us about your experience on boats or small planes, working in remote places,
hiking or camping.
• Are you ok with staying in shared accommodation and cooking meals together with
new friends?
• What makes you want to help out on this working bee?
• Do you have any allergies or health issues that could be of concern on a remote
• Can you be in the NW of Tasmania on Wednesday night July 28 2021 ready to depart
the next morning?