Keeping members details up to date is a massive job for Wildcare and the system we are now using is quite fussy. The good thing is that you can keep most of the details neat and tidy from your account page https://legacy.wildcaretas.org.au/my-account/

About every three months we do a full check on the database and clean records and sometimes merge up records that meet certain conditions.

Things we look for include

  • Failing email addresses (from email bounces)
  • Incorrect addresess from returned mail
  • Multiple people using the same email address
  • Duplicate names and addresses
  • Multiple people at the same address

All these records are checked manually and we can normally figure out what has happened (slight misspellings of names, addresses and email addresses, members not logging in before renewing etc) but there may be the occasional error that we overlook. If you find that you cant log in to the website, drop a quick email to the webmaster with your name and address and he will get you sorted and back in business.

You can also recover your password from the “lost Password” page on the web https://legacy.wildcaretas.org.au/my-account/lost-password/