by Wildcare Chair, Donna Burton

I’d like to extend my sincere thanks to everyone who contributed to our review of the Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund (TNCF) over the past year. Reviews of this nature rely heavily on the feedback and input of members, donors and stakeholders, and we were fortunate to have many individuals and groups willing to give of their time, experience and ideas.

The core elements outlined below have been designed to ensure the continuing sustainability and success of the TNCF and Wildcare more broadly. The key changes reflect the new regulatory context and to be fit-for-(our) purpose. They also seek to be clear yet flexible, and importantly to provide our donors and partners with confidence that the TNCF continues to be a sound investment.

I am happy to share with you the following summary of the review outcomes:

  • TNCF donations will be channelled into a single consolidated pool that can be used
    flexibly to support worthy and eligible projects, based on merit and available funds. A
    transition pathway will allow existing donations to be used as the donor intended.
  • The costs of administering the TNCF, including the grants program, will be drawn
    from TNCF funds.
  • Applicants for TNCF grants must be:
    • a Wildcare group; or
    • the Wildcare CEO; or
    • a Wildcare member (excluding corporate members).
  • The applicant/s may apply alone or in partnership with another organisation/s.
  • To be successful, an application must demonstrate how it aligns with Wildcare’s
  • The current biannual (twice per year) grant application process will continue.
  • Applications will be assessed by the Grants Committee.
  • The Wildcare office will be responsible for other aspects of the TNCF grants
  • A new tiered reporting and acquittal requirement will be introduced, with a
    streamlined process for grants of $5000 or less.
  • A tiered approach to approving any variation to projects will also apply.

The Wildcare office, in consultation with the Grants Committee, will finalise and release revised TNCF documentation ahead of the next grant application round which is expected in September/October 2024.

A Special General Meeting will be held to vote on proposals for related changes to our constitution and this will be open to all members. Stay tuned!

From the board’s perspective I am confident that the outcomes from the review will position our organisation, including all our branches, well into the future. We know that securing funding continues to be a challenge for many not-for-profit organisations, including our own. However we also know that the work of our volunteers is integral to the future of Tasmania’s wild places and wildlife. We hope the changes resulting from this review will help Wildcare groups continue their vital work now and into the future.

As a Wildcare member I am so proud of the impact that we make right across Tasmania. I also wish to extend my sincere appreciation to all our members for the ongoing contribution that you are all making to our beautiful wild places.

Warm regards,

Donna Burton – Chair