Our volunteers help maintain and improve the Penguin Cradle Trail in North West Tasmania. The Trail is a diverse walking track from the township of Penguin on the north coast of Tasmania to the iconic Cradle Mountain.

What we do

We are a group of volunteers who maintain and improve the Penguin Cradle Trail in North West Tasmania. The Trail is a diverse walking track from the township of Penguin on the north coast of Tasmania to the iconic Cradle Mountain. We also publish a full map and notes for the entire trail.

Who we are

We operate cooperatively alongside the Parks and Wildlife Service, Resource Management and Conservation Division of DPIPWE, private landholders and the Department of Environment as well as recreational groups such as the North West Walking Club.

Our Contacts

President – Greig Clarke

Secretary – Billie Hicks

Treasurer -Lesleigh Griffin

EmailĀ penguincradletrail@wildcaretas.org.auĀ 


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