Our members are a very dedicated group of volunteers and supporters who are interested in the conservation of both the cultural and natural environment on Tasman Island.  We work in partnership with the Parks and Wildlife Service fundraising for, and implementing conservation plans for the heritage-listed buildings on the island. We also support environmental and wildlife programs on the island.

Who we are

Wildcare volunteer group, Friends of Tasman Island (FoTI), was formed in 2005.   Working in partnership with the Tasmanian Parks & Wildlife Service we have a membership of very dedicated volunteers and supporters who are working towards the restoration of both the cultural and natural environment of Tasman Island.

Tasman Island & Cape Pillar
Photo Tim Kingston

The narrow Tasman Passage separates Tasman Island from the Blade & Cape Pillar

The narrow Tasman Passage separates Tasman Island from the Blade & Cape Pillar Photo Erika Shankley

Where we work

Spectacular Tasman Island is the site of the highest operating lighthouse in Australia.  One of the most isolated light stations, the island is now part of the Tasman National Park.  Separated from Cape Pillar by the narrow Tasman Passage, the island’s formidable appearance is enhanced by some of the highest sea cliffs in Australia.

Construction of a landing and haulage in late 1904 preceded erection of the lighthouse and keepers’ quarters with building materials weighing up to 13 cwt (660 kg) taking up to eight hours to reach the site.    Keepers already had  vegetable gardens growing by the time the light was officially opened on 2nd April 1906.

Tasman Island Lightstation - from left - Lighthouse, Lightkeepers' Quarters No 3 & 2 with the Head Keepers' Quarters No 1 in the distance.

Tasman Island lighthouse &: from left – Lightkeepers’ Quarters No 3, 2 &, in the distance, Quarters No 1 Photo Erika Shankley

Tasman Island is now part of the Tasman National Park.

Automation of the lighthouse in 1976 signalled the end of light keeping as a way of life with keepers withdrawn in May 1977.  Since that time there has been no permanent human presence on the island with time and the elements causing deterioration of the island’s historic heritage.

FoTI volunteers on the newly restored verandah at Lightkeepers’ Quarters No 3, 2019 Photo Amanda Thomson

What we do

First lit in 1906, the lighthouse celebrated its 100th birthday in April 2006 when FoTI volunteers held their first working bee on the island. Since that time, 30 ten-day working bees have been held, with volunteers completing an impressive range of work.

FoTI volunteers have:

  • Developed a strategic plan for the preservation of the cultural and natural environment on Tasman Island;
  • Carried out conservation, restoration and maintenance work on the three keepers’ quarters and oil store;
  • Produced a management plan for the natural environment which aims to eradicate introduced weeds with the corresponding regeneration of the natural environment;
  • Developed a fauna and flora survey plan;
  • Established biosecurity measures as an important aspect of our work on Tasman Island.

FoTI meets each month to plan future work  on Tasman Island.  Volunteers with an interest in the conservation and preservation of the natural and cultural elements of Tasman Island are welcome to join us.  You can also donate to our cause at https://legacy.wildcaretas.org.au/product/branch-fundraising-friends-of-tasman-island/

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External Links


Tasman Island blogspot


President:  Carol Jackson

Mobile:  0438004111

Email:  friendsoftasmanisland@gmail.com 


Wildcare Shop