Wildcare Expos – You are invited!

The Wildcare Expos are an exploration and showcase of the ways in which volunteers and donors together are protecting Tasmania’s wild places, wildlife and heritage. Entry is free and open to the general public as well as Wildcare members, but registration is essential. Register: Email Linda at office@wildcaretas.org.au providing your full name and phone contact.  […]

Goodbye from Pip

As the PWS Volunteer Facilitator (South) for 12 years, Pip Burke worked closely with Wildcare and the community of volunteers in the Southern region. Pip’s big hearted devotion to her PWS role is now being directed to her family and she leaves full of appreciation for the wonderful volunteers that she had the pleasure of […]

Friends of Freycinet (FoF) Working Bee – Ablaze in August 2021

Friends of Freycinet

Volunteers: Dave, Ian, Joan, Greg, Roz, Debra, Peter Jenny, Tanya, John (Monday to Wednesday) and Ros. Thanks to thorough organisation by Fee (Parks Ranger) and Jenny (FoF coordinator) prior to the week, and luck with the weather, we had a very smooth-running, enjoyable, and productive week. After safety and planning briefings led by Fee on […]

Friends of Maatsuyker Island Annual Dinner & AGM

The Friends of Maatsuyker Island (FOMI) Annual Dinner and AGM will be held on Thursday 16 September 2021 at the Fern Tree Tavern (680 Huon Road, Fern Tree). Guests are invited to arrive from 5.30 pm to order meals for 6.00 pm dinner. The AGM will commence at 7.00 pm. After the AGM, recent Maatsuyker […]

Aboriginal Heritage Education Event

Aboriginal Heritage Education at Penna On Sunday 1st August we were treated to a wonderful educational opportunity thanks to the generous offer of Caleb Pedder, a consultant Aboriginal Heritage Officer. In searching for an Aboriginal Heritage Officer needed to participate in an archaeological survey of the area,  I happened to call Caleb.  He welcomed the […]

The Spanish Heath Menace

Patches of Spanish Heath and Broom had been discovered beside some of the informal tracks near Barossa Creek. When arriving at the main Spanish Heath spot it was in flower, and this showed that it was more widespread within grass and sags than originally thought. This made for slow work and to take a break […]

NW Tasmania Penguin-Guide Training 2021

Friends of Lillico Penguins

Volunteer Penguin Guides are needed for: Friends of Burnie Penguins Friends of Lillico Penguins If you are interested in Little Penguins and like to talk with people who are viewing penguins, we’d like to hear from you. Saturday 18 September 2021 Time: 9.00am registration for 9.30am start – 3pm (lunch provided) Venue: UTAS West Park […]

Work in the High Country

During the winter it is often unpleasant for work in the higher parts of the park, but the weather was nice, and we decided to tackle trimming of the early part of the Lake Nicholls Track. It wasn’t particularly overgrown, but a trim now would save more extensive work later. About 400 metres of track […]

Friends of Claytons – A history and a tribute

Friends of Claytons By Janet Fenton with Photos by Geoff Doolan Friends of Melaleuca wishes to pay tribute to the achievements of the ‘Claytons’ volunteers who came before us. Claytons Corner, with its jetty and historic cottage (home of Win and Clyde Clayton from 1962-1976), affords refuge and recreation for many seafarers venturing to south- […]

Action on Sea Spurge in Northern Tasmania

Invading the North Coast of Tasmania, sea spurge has wreaked havoc on the remote area pushing the shore birds from their nesting areas. After volunteering with SPRATS (Sea sPurge Remote Area TeamS) on the West Coast of Tasmania Helen Plaister realised there was a desperate need to address the growing sea spurge crisis. As a […]

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