Friends of Freycinet ‘The Mayhem’

Friends of Freycinet

What better way to mark National Volunteer Week than to have a week long working bee at the same time?  Was that planned?  You bet! On arrival at the Freycinet Visitors and Field Centre we were met by a large welcoming sign and two scrumptious cakes made by PWS staff members Fiona and Natasha, (known […]

Cathedral Capers

Cathedral Rock Track Improvements At long last Parks and Wildlife Service and Wellington Park Trust personnel were able to join Friends of Wellington Park volunteers for a day devoted to improving the track leading to Cathedral Rock. We all arrived early at the beginning of the track (end of Betts Road) but the start of […]

Wildcare Saffire Devil Research

   Wildcare and Saffire are supporting Tassie devil research through the Wildcare Tasmanian Devils Cause in the Wildcare Gift Fund which provides funding to the Tasmanian devil immunology research group at the Menzies Institute for Medical Research in Hobart. The group, led by Associate Professor Bruce Lyons and Dr Andy Flies, studies the devastating transmissible […]

Congratulations to Volunteering Award Recipients

Friends of Deal Island

Wildcare volunteers’ contributions have achieved the highest recognition in this week’s Tasmanian Volunteering Awards. Patron of Volunteering Tasmania, Her Excellency, Professor the Honourable Kate Warner, AC, Governor of Tasmania presented the official Awards at a special ceremony at Government House. Professor Warner presented the Volunteering Tasmania Environment, Animal Care and Conservation Award to Anne & […]

19 people and 190 swans

19 people watching 190 swans – Lake Dulverton Oatlands   19 people gathered in Oatlands recently to look at birds, meet locals and visit animals on a farm. They were part of Wildcare’s Get Outside Program. Wildcare Inc is a volunteer group that assists thousands of volunteers across Tasmania with projects aimed at conservation of […]


Friends of Mt Field

Marriotts Falls Track The work on this day involved clearing back vegetation growing over the track to Marriotts Falls and the removal of invading weed species. The first 200 metres of the track is through a river reserve that previously had a pine forest and with the pines gone the native vegetation has returned with […]

Looking Good

Goat Hills The area had no been visited since July 2018, and fortunately the volume of new Spanish Heath plants and those previously overlooked was not daunting. Quite a number the larger plants were spotted growing with saggs that had now grown high enough to be seen. An area of about 4 hectares was scanned […]

Lillico Working Bee

On the 27th of April – Members from Friends of Lillico penguins held one of their working bees to help keep the area around the platform penguin ready.     If you would like to learn more about joining in on a working bee or to show your interest in guiding over the summer season […]

Maatsuyker Island Volunteers totally floored

MAATSUYKER FLOORING SAGA WILDCARE FRIENDS OF MAATSUYKER ISLAND By Ron Fehlberg The take over of Maatsuyker Island by the Tasmanian Government from The Australian Maritime Safety Authority took place in 1998. The Parks & Wildlife service took responsibility for the island and the volunteer caretaker program. In the ensuing years the houses fell into a […]

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