Cradle Mountain Weekend Working Bee – In Photos

Tracks require different pruning techniques, depending on the track rating

Wildcare Cradle Mountain Volunteers Working Bee –  6th and 7th of April Snow pole preparation:   Mt Kate Hut Ceiling and Maintenance:           —————————————————————————————————————————————————— Track work Pruning:  

Those trees are so tall

Tall Trees Walk – Mt Field National Park The sounds of people talking, the soft wind through the trees and the crunch of people’s feet as they scuff their way through the long strips of bark lining the Tall Trees walk. On Monday 11th March 2019, 34 people led by the Get Outside Leader Sara […]


Friends of Mt Field

The Friends of Mount Field have been successful in obtaining a grant from the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife (FNPW) to upgrade a short section of track at Lake Fenton. The work involves making the existing track surface smoother by removing rock intrusions and where appropriate lay gravel. It will complement the bridge over […]

New Wildcare Board

Exciting times at Wildcare! Last week saw the new Wildcare Board meet for the first time at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens. This was followed by a reception for Wildcare volunteers and stakeholders at Government House, Hobart. Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Kate Warner AC delivered a most heartfelt welcome speech to honour 20 years […]

Melaleuca Working Bee, March 2019

Melaleuca Working Bee, March 2019 by Cathie Plowman A team of 13 keen volunteers gathered at Melaleuca on 13 March 2019 for the annual working bee. Participants either arrived by plane that morning or had already arrived by boat. For those flying in, there were first-hand views to be had of the legacy of the […]

Get Outside Friendship Walk

A Friendship Walk On Friday 5th April Wildcare Branch Get Outside conducted a Friendship Walk in collaboration with the Multi Cultural Council of Tasmania, Hobart City Council and the Police Department. We walked  from the Hobart Mosque to a local park. The aim of the walk was to encourage people to walk together, to show […]

Join the Marine Debris Clean Up Events – Huon and Bruny Island

       HUON MARINE DEBRIS CLEAN UP Date: May 11, 2019 Time: 9:30 am – 2.30 pm Location: Charlotte Cove, Tasmania Details: Plastic in our ocean increases by 8 million tonnes each year! This durable debris has the potential to entangle, or be ingested by fish, mammals and birds and leach toxic compounds into the ecosystem. […]

Island Branches at Wooden Boat Festival

Friends of Deal Island

Wildcare Island Branches at Wooden Boat Festival By Erika Shankley Thanks to financial assistance from Wildcare – Friends of Deal, Maatsuyker and Tasman Islands have had a long association with the biennial Australian Wooden Boat Festival. At our first Festival in 2011 we shared a tent with both Tasmar Radio and the Maritime College but […]

Fixing a Long Standing Problem

Lost World     kunanyi/Mount Wellington The start near the road at Big Bend crosses a soakage that is the headwaters to New Town Rivulet. It is usually wet and a little boggy for much of the year. The work was to install stepping stones to make it better for walkers. The project was conducted […]

Get Outside Partnerships in the bush

Partnerships in the Bush Autumn has defiantly arrived in Hobart. Waterworks Reserve put on a crisp and windy show to celebrate the new partnership and the first walk with the Red Cross and the Wildcare Get Outside Program. Red Cross Bicultural Health Workers are now working in partnership with the Get Outside Program to deliver regular […]

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